Thursday, November 29, 2007

"But I being poor have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams".

Look, I know this is sappy, especially cos i am a dude, but honestly that is the hardest line ever!!! It resounds of the torture at the heart of every man that declares his love to a woman; eexpressing our fear and our hope (despite contrary evidence) that this time, our fragile hearts (ever so fragile...except for those belonging to edo boys) wouldn't be crushed. I fear, however, that is not the case with yours truly, having eaten the apple and found that the core is quite bitter. No problem though, as they say, "something this good, wasn't meant to last" (hurts quite a lot tho and this is 3 days later o)!

Moving on, have a song rocking my world, which of course will probably be the theme song for this very sad, sad, movie..its called 'Always' by Saliva tho my emotions are not that destructive...but I can dig it (LOL).; surcease for my weary soul. Think I will destroy my brain cells and ear drums in the process sha but the heck, its worth it to lose yourself in the music.

She was...everything...


Joy Akut said...

u callin me a weirdo now...ha!!!
so wats the mushy mushy about, whos breaking a bro's heart? the ghana babe?...
or am i getting it all wrong?
and perfect and most balanced food of life...

Unbiased said...

So babe broke you heart. Wont be the first. Get over it an move on (tough love). And before you talk i aint one of the heart breakers o!!
I never had it in the first place.